Mayfield Grain Company, Inc.


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                                                     February 11 2025
                                   Portland Price Trends
                 01-01-24    08-01-24    01-01-25    02-04-25   02-11-25
#1 SWW (bus)        6.65        5.65        5.90        6.05       6.15
White Club          7.15        5.65        6.05        6.20       6.30
DNS 14%             8.03        6.58        6.71        6.88       7.01
HRW 11.5%           6.97        6.04        6.33        6.52       6.47
#2 Corn (ton)     232.00      199.00      224.00      228.00     230.00
#2 Barley         180.00      150.00      150.00      150.00     150.00
   Wheat...West coast wheat markets recorded modest gains in early-week
trade, following the uptick across the futures complex.  White wheat bids
notched a move back to the $6.15 level for the first time in three months,
even with a weakening basis.  Cash bids for hard red winter also saw spot
basis drop another dime, while dark northern spring basis held steady and
but cash bids at the $7 level.
   Shipments...Weekly export inspections showed a marked rebound in U.S.
wheat shipments, coming in more than double the prior week at 19.6 million
bushels.  This put year-to-date shipments at 535 million bushels, which is
24% ahead of the same period a year ago.  Top shipper was hard red spring
wheat with 6.5 million bushels, followed by 6.1 million for soft white, 3.6
million for soft red winter and 3.1 million for hard red winter. West coast
exporters shipped nearly 10 million bushels of wheat, going mostly to The
Philippines, along with 15 million bushels of corn and 5 million bushels of
soybeans for China.   
                                     - Norm Ruhoff  Contributing Analyst

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